Electronic Ink does not sell software on disks. Instead, we sell software licenses and serial numbers. This saves on sales tax and shipping costs, and allows you to have fully registered software as soon as your order is processed, with serial numbers sent by e-mail. The fastest way to order serial numbers for Electronic Ink products is straight from our secure Web site at https://www.printomatic.com/buy.cfm. You can also download the latest versions of our products from this site. You should use this form to order if you want to pay by check, money order, or international money order, or if you don't like sending your credit card number over the Internet. Billing Information Name:__________________________________ Company:________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________ State:__________ Zip/Postal code:_____________ Country:_______________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Fax:________________________ Email (REQUIRED):_____________________________________ You MUST provide an email address to receive your serial number and registration information! Form of payment: __ Check or Money Order (U.S. dollars) ___ Visa ___ MasterCard ___ AmEx Card Number:____________________________________________ Exp. date:________________ Name on card:_____________________________________________________________________ Card Holder's Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Product Selection Product Price Qty Subtotal PrintOMatic MX 1.7 $350 ______ _________ The original printing Xtra for Director and Authorware. PrintOMatic Lite MX 1.7 $100 ______ _________ Simple printing without page layout controls. Table Xtra 1.0 $300 ______ _________ Create grids of cast members in Director. ORDER TOTAL: _________ Please FAX your completed order form (credit card orders) to (970) 349-9245, or mail this form along with payment by check or international money order to: Electronic Ink PO Box 2733 Crested Butte, CO 81224